Battling the Odds Against Wolf Reintroduction


Now that they’re endangered, the wolf has become as much a symbol as an animal. From folk tales like Little Red Riding Hood to dramatized stories of mass cattle-killing, many people want the wolf out of the lands where scientists have reintroduced them. In an excerpt of Brenda Peterson?s book Wolf Nation over at The Morning Newsthe author follows captive-bred Mexican gray wolves from a Washington sanctuary to their release site in New Mexico. What she finds is grace and determination among one of nature’s most maligned but majestic creatures, and she examines the powerful network of political and economic interests battling over wolf recovery.

The struggle between state and federal wildlife agencies over the Mexican wolf recovery continues. The Center for Biological Diversity urges that New Mexico should “extricate itself from the state politics driven by the livestock industry, stop removing wolves from the wild, release five more…

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But Why Not Dairy?

This is beautiful piece written by my friend Barbara Larue. Thought I would reblog the same for raising awareness among my followers and for them to spread the word out. Together we stand for animals.

Mercy for all Animals

mom and baby cow snuggles_1073febad64ef4c66b9105729f08401dIt’s a fair and often heard question, one I had myself several years ago.

“I like my cheese/ice cream/milk, etc. and besides they don’t kill the cows for their milk”.

That’s what’s normally expressed when someone wonders why people go vegan instead of simply vegetarian (vegan excludes all animal products and vegetarian excludes meat).

The heartbreaking truth is that dairy cows suffer intensely from an industry that exploits them mercilessly.

It all begins with the calf being born to cause the cow to give milk for her baby.

Because man has become accustomed to using the milk meant for the calf, the natural process of a mother nurturing her young is violated, with the baby being taken from the mother either immediately upon birth or shortly thereafter, much to the mother’s grief, anger and sorrow.

The mom will call for her calf and try to search for it, and her…

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Thank you all for your continued support

Hi everyone,

I have been away for quite a while now. Just wanted to let you all know I’m doing well and getting back on track with writing. Before I write anything else, I just wanted to post this thank you note for all my followers, visitors and viewers. Being said that, my heartfelt thanks to you all for the continued support. Thank you so much. Continue reading “Thank you all for your continued support”

Harambe-the gorilla who paid with his life for human negligence

Harambe, a western lowland silverback gorilla was shot dead by Cincinnati zoo officials to ‘’rescue’’ a 3-year-old boy who fell into the gorilla’s enclosure.

They could have diverted Harambe’s attention and  rescued the boy, or they could have  tranquilized him, instead the park officials chose to shoot and kill.

The gorilla did nothing other than  protecting the child the whole time,  but was misunderstood by the authorities who had no clue about primate behaviour.

Continue reading “Harambe-the gorilla who paid with his life for human negligence”

A Random Act of Kindness



This is about something positive that happened to me on 8th March 2016. And it’s special as  it came from an unexpected person, at such an unexpected time  and place. I thought it would be nice to  share this positive story  with my readers and followers to brighten up their day as well, so I am writing this.

The day didn’t really go the way I expected and was actually having a bad day- it was all until that one random act of kindness.


Continue reading “A Random Act of Kindness”

Being Vegan


At the end of 2011 I went vegan.  Having been a vegetarian since birth I was surprised to discover that giving up dairy was such a big step for me; but it was a step I had to make, as I was becoming a vegan for ethical reasons. While transitioning into a vegan diet, the craving for milk products was the biggest challenge I had to overcome. However, whenever I struggled, I remembered the animals that were suffering when I consumed dairy products, simply to please my taste buds. This made me feel guilty and that is how I got over my craving for dairy products, and evolved into a vegan. It is scary how addictive dairy products can be.

Going vegan was the best decision that I have ever made. Going vegan not only helps the animals, but also the environment, plus it is very beneficial to one’s health.


. Continue reading “Being Vegan”

UK’s EU referendum: An analysis

With EU referendum is heating up in Britain, the big question arises whether leaving EU will be a loss or gain?

The EU and UK flags. The Electoral Commission recommends that options for voters be: ‘Remain a member of the European Union’ or ‘Leave the European Union’.
(Image courtesy : The Guardian)

The UK Prime Minister David Cameron has agreed to hold a Cabinet meeting on Friday where the Eurosceptic ministers will finally have chance to voice their opinion in the Cabinet with regards to EU referendum.

Continue reading “UK’s EU referendum: An analysis”

Blissful seashore, the hidden dangers, ignorance and negligence: The Story of Chennai

After celebrating New Year at a friend’s house, Alvin (name changed) and eight of his friends went for a walk in the Thiruvamiyur beach in Chennai.

The soothing tune of the waves tempted several of them to venture in, while the rest stayed ashore.

Little that they knew about the underlying danger.

Continue reading “Blissful seashore, the hidden dangers, ignorance and negligence: The Story of Chennai”